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I’m Jon, owner of Fish Keeping Academy.
I want to share my wealth of knowledge and 40 years of experience with you, so I created Fish Keeping Academy to serve this purpose.
Make sure to get in touch if you need any specific questions answered.
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Betta Fish Not Moving (11 Top Causes & Solutions)
Betta fish are one of the most popular pet fish in the world, each with their unique look and personality. Betta fish have so many…

Do Betta Fish Have Teeth (for biting and fighting)
Betta fish are known for their aggressive behavior, but do betta fish have teeth? It’s a common question among betta fish owners, and rightly so!…

Betta Fish Jumping: 7 Reasons Why & How To Prevent It!
Betta fish are beautiful and fascinating creatures, but they have many unusual behaviors and can also be quite mischievous! A common behavior you may encounter…

What Do Betta Fish Eat (A Comprehensive Diet Guide)
When caring for a betta fish, there are lots you need to learn, and one of the most important is understanding their dietary requirements. So…

Bloated Betta Fish (Easy fixes and prevention guide)
Do you have a bloated betta fish? Don’t worry, it’s common, and several possible causes exist. Bloating is typically a symptom of poor digestion, often…

How To Tell If A Betta Bubble Nest Has Fertilized Eggs
It’s easy to know when your betta fish are ready to breed, as the male will build a spectacular bubble nest to attract a female…

What Happens If Alkalinity Rises Too High In Aquarium Water
Keeping fish is fun and rewarding, but aquariums require regular cleaning, and you must maintain water parameters for healthy fish. One element regularly overlooked is…

What Is Alkalinity In Aquariums (and why is it important?)
If you are a new aquarium owner, all the different water parameters and how they are related may need to be clarified. Alkalinity is one…

6 Ways How To Raise The Alkalinity In A Freshwater Aquarium
One of the key water quality parameters in a fish tank is alkalinity, a measure of the buffering capacity of the water against acid. Alkalinity…

Why Do Betta Fish Fight (and how to stop aggressive behavior)
Betta fish are called Siamese Fighting Fish for a reason, and If you’ve ever kept more than one male betta fish in a tank, chances…

Do Female Betta Fish Make Bubble Nests
Usually, male betta fish build a bubble nest to attract a female, who inspects the quality of the nest before allowing the male to begin…

Pest Aquarium Snails (Removal And Prevention)
Pest aquarium snails are one of the most annoying problems a fishkeeper can face. A few snails appear out of nowhere and can quickly take…

Do Betta Fish Need Light (Complete guide to betta lighting)
Betta fish can be solitary creatures, often hiding away in the dark corners of their tank. So do betta fish need light, and if so,…

How To Euthanize A Betta Fish (Humanely & Painlessly)
As a betta owner, you understand the pleasure this beautiful and intelligent fish can bring, which makes it difficult to accept when they become sick…

Will Cloudy Water Hurt My Fish
Most fish keepers would love to know how to get fish tank water crystal clear, and the harder they try, the cloudier the water gets….

How To Clean Fish Tank Gravel Without A Vacuum (In 4 Steps)
Using fish tank gravel as your aquarium substrate not only helps your aquarium mimic a fish’s natural habitat, but it also plays an essential role…

Do Betta Fish Get Lonely Or Bored On Their Own
As a caring betta fish owner, you will want to do the best for them in every way, but do they get lonely or bored…

Can Betta Fish Live With Goldfish (Compatibility chart)
Betta fish are also known as siamese fighting fish because they can be aggressive, especially around certain fish species, so it’s understandable that you might…

Do Betta Fish Need A Heater (Can they live in cold water)
If you are setting up a betta tank for the first time, there are many things that you need to consider, such as tank size,…

How Often To Feed Betta Fish (Example Feeding Charts)
If you keep betta fish or are thinking about getting your first betta fish, there are several things you will need to know so that…